Setting up your yoga space at home!
Find a flat surface, outdoors or indoors, with an open space. A space you love in your home to move freely. A wall or some wall support nearby is always good. Outdoors is beautiful when it’s sunny!
Place your yoga mat in this space
Have all your props at the top of your mat, ready to be used
Including: yoga blocks, a bolster/cushions, a strap, fascia ball
Alternatives for a block: a thick dictionary or sturdy tupperware container
Alternatives for a strap: dressing gown cord, stretchy yoga pants, a belt
Alternatives for a bolster: a thickly rolled up blanket or thick cushions
Alternatives for a fascia ball: tennis ball or lemon
Alternatives for a mat: a towel
(All of my classes can be done without props however I recommend a thick blanket/cushions for my yin classes.)
Turn your phone off to fully commit to your practise
Options/fun additions!!
Your fave incense, candles
Affirmation or oracle cards
Salt lamp
Grab yourself a tea
You are ready to go! Make your space and practise yours, because it is!
“Make your mat a sanctuary away from the chaos”